Dear Family and Friends,
At the beginning of my sabbatical year, in September 2009 I met Dinu and his family in the town of Bodh Gaya, India. After spending a number of days with him, I decided to help out his family by paying the tuition for a better school for his younger sister Rajni. Many of you have also helped with this endeavor, and I am thankful. I am now in the third year of this commitment. by the end of this month I will be sending Dinu the funds for another year of education for Rajni (it costs $400 a year). I am grateful for this opportunity to help Dinu and his family, who live in the poorest state in all of India.
If you are also willing to continue to help out financially, Please send a check to:
Robert Lee-Engel
C/O Evergreen School
15201 Meridian Ave N
Shoreline, WA 98133
Thanks again. Love,

Dinu's family during my sabbatical (Rajni is in the middle eating)