Friday, September 4, 2009

9/4: Calcutta day three

Christy requested more pictures of Noah and me, so here they are, though Noah was very resistant to the idea.
Victoria Monument - I thought it was very impressive, Noah thought it was alright.

My lunch. I like street food. Noah likes restaurants. It looks like we will not be eating together.

Birsa Mandir Hindu temple - both Noah and I really liked this place.
Tomorrow we will try to rent a taxi driver all day long. we want to go to a couple of temples outside of the city, and were told we could hire a taxi for about $10 for the whole day.
Sunday evening we will take the night train to Gaya, about 9 hours ride from Calcutta. From there it is a short drive to Bodh Gaya, where Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree. The original Bodhi tree's grandchild is still there. Bodh Gaya has Buddhist temples from every Buddhist country in the world - Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Japan, China (I think), and on and on. It was a little village 25 years ago when Christy and I last visted it. Who knows now. Though I must say, Calcutta doesn't seem much different from that time - more crowded than I remember, but that is about it.


  1. Yay! Thanks for the photos! Noah's hair is getting long ;-)

    I will be surprised if Bodhgaya is very different...after all it's been a village for 2500 years (or more, I guess)...

  2. Hey C,
    I know I am looking forward to less horns, cars, beggars, noise, crowds, etc., though I still love Calcutta.
    Love, R
