Thursday, December 3, 2009

12/3 Jaisalmer

The 19-hour train ride to Jaisalmer, in the far west of Rajasthan, went by really easily. I am very happy to be travelling again, after my month at Modern School. I am also very happy to be out of smoggy, congested Delhi and back into my home, the desert.

The town of Jaisalmer is comprised entirely of tan colored brick, so the city completely blends into the surrounding desert environment. The roads, except for a few, are too narrow for cars, so the traffic of motor rickshaws, motorcycles, cows and goats is very peaceful. In the center of town is the Jaisalmer fort, constructed entirely of the same brick. Inside the fort is a maze of alley ways - a town within a town, complete with hotels, restaurants, and a multitude of craft shops. Wandering the alley ways, every once in a while I found one that led me to the edge of the fort, with a spectacular view of the surrounding town.

Tomorrow morning I will head out on a two day camel safari, so you won't hear from me for a few days. See you soon.

The narrow roads of Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer fort

View of the town from the fort

One of the fort entry ways

A building inside the fort

1 comment:

  1. how lovely to be in the desert in december!!

    love, c
    natan & noah send their love too!
