Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Trekking Day 7 & 8: Walking down in the rain

Sitting around the dining table late into the evening were 2 Australians, a couple from Israel, a German woman, 2 American students studying in China, and myself. It was interesting, exciting and a complete blast.

I have been thinking about the economics of trekking. Tourism brings so much income into Nepal, though the distribution of that wealth is disturbing. There are really nice guest houses along the way. At 14,000 feet one can still get pizza and coke, the food only gets more expensive as you go up. All day long you see porters with their 65 to 70 pound loads. I am told they make between 200 to 500 rupees a day ($2.60 to $6.60). Though that is money they wouldn't otherwise get, the rate seems to be a crime. Trekkers complain about how expensive it gets as you go up, but I would gladly pay more if I knew it went to increased wages for the porters.

We were literally attacked by leeches on day 8. Noah and I each estimate pulling 50 leeches off our clothes or skin. At night I checked my feet, and had 8 blood-red holes where 8 lucky leeches got through my defenses.