Sunday, August 16, 2009

8/16: Leaving tomorrow and the first moment

It is 5AM. Tomorrow Noah and I leave for Asia. As I sit on my deck looking at the smallest sliver of a moon, and Venus, I contemplate how I feel. Yesterday Christy asked me if I remember how I felt the first time I went traveling. I told her that I remember places and events, but not how I felt. But the moon and Venus reminded me.

I do remember my first moment during my first trip to Asia. I was 20 years old. I knew that after my sophomore year at UC Santa Cruz, I would leave, because the school would want me to pick a major, and I wasn’t ready. I ended up going to India. The plane landed in Dum Dum Airport in Calcutta. I remember seeing and hearing other young travelers cheer as they got off the plane. I remember feeling that first humid breath of tropical Calcutta air. And I remember knowing how inappropriate cheering would be for me. I felt an overwhelming, humbling experience – as if I was in a temple, as if I was embarking on something sacred. For me, it was a very quiet moment.

That is how I feel right now.

1 comment:

  1. Have an awesome time. I am with you through the blog. I can't wait to read about your adventure.
