Friday, August 21, 2009

8/21: My story today

I finally gave up trying to sleep at around 4AM and went out for a walk. Unfortunately, the only place open was McDonalds. I bought a coffee and walked to the harbor. I sat and watched the waves and the silhouetted skyscrapers of Hong Kong island across the bay.

Travel is an opportunity of becoming, as if the compass no longer needs to point north. What "me" will emerge? who will I grow into? Maybe a more important question is, am I ready to embrace it? Each moment is a new embracing, or a new opportunity to embrace what is. Can I let go of what has been or what I wish will come, and just be?

I liked the little story above which I just wrote. But something about it felt false, or at least incomplete. and then I realized that I am just telling myself a story. And that freed me and woke me up and I felt connected and open to what will happen next.

It's identity that wants a story. It's ego searching. My mantra today is, "It's just a story." It is not about denying the story, but seeing the story as just a story. And that is where I am at right now, and it's okay. Maybe my mantra will be, "What story am I telling myself now?"


  1. HEY I was awake at 4 a.m. too! (Shall we say that was the same time since it was the same Time, even though our Time Zones are 15 hours apart?)

    How spacious, to see/appreciate the stories as longings of ego self - a little more choice becomes possible.

    lots o' love, C.

  2. Stories may be all we've got. My story/your story - the intersection of stories. No stories, no relationships. Or no relationships deeper than the doing of the moment. Other animals may pass information to one another, but we pass stories along. Gotta tell the truth, even if it's fiction.

  3. Hey C, I love the image of spaciousness.

    Hey Richard, thank you thank you thank you. I always appreciate your stories.

  4. I often come back to Carole King's "Tapestry." The tapestry of our lives are woven whether we are actively trying or not. We make decisions that affect the final tapestry, but we don't actually know what will create what patterns.

  5. I always liked that Tapestry song. Thanks, Ben.
