Monday, September 14, 2009

First images of Varanasi

Varanasi, one of the oldest cities in the world, is reported to be over 3000 years old. It is the holiest city in all of India for Hindus, with over one million making the pilgrimage every year. Varanasi is built right on the Ganga, with over 100 ghats, the most dramatic are the two burning ghats, where hundreds of Indians are cremated daily. Our hotel is very near one of the burning ghats.

When close to the ghats, the streets become narrow alleyways, winding and meandering as if in a maze. Being lost, I told a shopkeeper that I didn't know where I was. "You are in the same place as I am," he replied.

The water is pretty high right now, right at the end of monsoons

View from my balcony of temple and Ganga


  1. I love that view that you have from the balcony! Are you and Noah staying in the same place this time?

  2. Hey C,
    Noah and I spent the first night at different hotels, but I moved to his hotel today, being a much better location.

  3. That shopkeeper's comment is one of the best things I've heard in a long, long time.

  4. It reminds me of The Phantom Tollbooth. Have you ever read it? There is also a great quote in there about getting lost. It goes some thing like this:
    "I think we are lost," said one guy.
    And then the other guy said, "Lost is not a matter of not knowing where you are. It is a matter of knowing where you are not. And since I don't care where I am not, I am never lost."
