Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nov 3rd: My First Day at School

I started my first day at work at The Modern School in Delhi. I have a pretty nice, little apartment at the Boy's Hostel on campus, which is a 15 minute walk to Connaught Circle, the center of New Delhi (the school is actually on the New Delhi map). I really don't know what my role at the school will be yet. The school is planning their big Founder's Day event for November 8th and 9th, so it was a little chaotic, and will be for the next few days. Then they are planning this 17-school (from 12 different nations) summit for the next week. Lata, the principal of the school, asked me to participate in that event, though I don't know what that means at this time. We will work out my schedule over the next few days. Anyway, it is good to be in one place for a while. I hope to be here at least through November, and, if all works out, maybe longer. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robert. What is this school you are attending? How did you get hooked up with them? I am sure you will cover that once you get settled. Love to you, Dana
