Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1/26 & 1/27: Last days in Hampi

I made my first cow friend last night. She approached me with her head down, so I scratched her behind her horns. We stayed that way for some minutes. It was very satisfying for both of us. I just figured out in my 4 trips and 19 months spent on the Indian subcontinent, this was my first cow friend.

Last night at the Mango Tree restaurant (a must for anyone going to Hampi) I overheard a conversation between a German man and the waiter. The German didn't have enough money to pay his bill. "Don't worry. Pay tomorrow," said the waiter.
"I can't," replied the German. "I am leaving tonight. Can you tell me where there is an ATM?"
"Don't worry. You can pay next year. Do you need money to get to Hospet (the town with the train and bus stations)?" And the waiter pulls out money. "100 rupees? 150 rupees?"
After the waiter left, I asked the man if they knew him well at this restaurant. "No," he replied. "I have only been here once before."

Ginetta and I at the roof top restaurant

Self portrait at my favorite spot (using the camera timer - I love the camera timer!)
The start of the festival commemorating the 500 year anniversary of the greatest ruler of the Vijanagar Empire - Krishna Deva Raya

Last Sunrise from Hampi

Ruins amidst the shops on the main road towards Hampi

Breakfast of fried chilies and coffee

Idli boys

Sunrise view from my favorite "secret spot"
Route to my "secret spot"
Head east on the main road to the temple
Go up the steps and follow the path another 100 meters between the two small temple ruins
Then after another 25 meters, follow a little trail to the left of the main path
Walk towards the cliff, then between the large rock (the size of a house) and the small rock
Follow the little path that curves around the house-size rock on the right
Follow it 5 meters between the shrubs and bushes to the cliff
I went there every day I was in Hampi. It was so hard to leave this morning. As I was walking back to Hampi, I had to turn around and go back to my spot one more time.

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