Friday, January 8, 2010

1/7 and 1/8: Still in Diu

It has been an interesting last couple of days. Not much happening here. I spend my days eating, walking, reading, napping, sitting on the beach, taking a few photos, having a few conversations. That's all. It is quiet, relaxing, and a little boring. I have to get back into the mode of doing nothing and expecting nothing.

So I am reminded of something my friend Carla wrote to me: "The day is made up of moments." Every moment something is happening; it just might not be what one expects or desires. There is magic in each moment, we just need the eyes to see it. Or maybe we need to see with our heart to catch a glimpse of the magic.

So instead of thinking about the moment, I become the moment. And then, for just a few breaths, I become my heart, and I become the magic. And in those few breaths there is no heart, there is no magic, there is no moment.

Diu has a few sandy beaches, but mostly the shoreline is covered with this stone-like, reef-like beautiful to look at but painful to walk on kind of stuff.

This was my view when I finally found a place to sit that was comfortable

1 comment:

  1. Robert-
    I've enjoyed following your journey and hearing your thoughts. Thanks for sharing so much of your experiences with all of us!

